This is my general diary of thoughts, art, and words.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Dear Digory

Wonderful! The little things always make life fun. Why should I blog? The real question is why have I not been blogging for years. I mean I am on the computer like 60 hours a week. For the love of Pete, I spend way to much time in front of a computer monitor. No wonder I feel soulless most of the time. This abomination that I am typing this on is stealing my soul........... Well maybe not, but I am sure here a lot so I might as well put down my thoughts. And Digory, well diary just seemed over used so Digory will be playing that role for me as I delve into the recesses of my mind and develop these artistic talents I have been so graciously been given.

"Try...there is no try, there is do or do not." Yoda


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