Oops I did it again
Here I am again. I just figured this out. I am actually not bad at time management Just at implementation. I think it is because I set up ambitious schedules for myself and then spread myself far to thin to get everything done I want to get done. So the end result is a brain numbing lull that I fill with TV and movies. Not that those things are bad, but I think it is time to re-evaluate them and the importance to my life. This segues me to think more about other things not just TV, but my beliefs as well. Not my faith so to speak, but my beliefs. Such as what have I ingrained in my head as truth that is merely conjecture, for example if something good happens that something bad must be right behind it; I am overweight so I can not get healthy; or the only to get smart or learn is to go to school. So, I think it is time to start tearing down the mythos of my self beliefs. I am still trying to figure that out how to do it, but I think it will take some introspection and a lot of prayer and a little implementation.
Thanks Johnny, being loved is why it is easy to re-evaluate.
10:07 AM
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