So as to not fail to update my blog this week
New Edge Networks Sold To MCI.....
This was the big rumor when I came in this morning. WOW talk about the crazy world of Telecom the only reason I new it was not true was that MCI was just purchased by Verizon. Anyway the only other weirdness in my life is trying to figure out why I keep having dreams about selling my house. Don't get me wrong I love the house we live in and it was such a blessing that God provided for us. But I keep running into is it better to sell or get a second on the equity. Such a boring blog today....
Huh, I worked for a company once that was bought by MCI... but for real, not just for rumor
10:17 PM
Really? I worked for a company that got bought by IBM. It wasn't a telecom. Oh, and it wasn't a rumor. Oh, and they tore the company apart and strip-mined it for its assets and technology. Other than that it sounds very similar to your situation at New Edge. (bring back the jolly roger, that disneyfied thing...what IS that thing?).
11:14 PM
Oh BTW, I added you to MY blog. I failed to see a link to my blog on YOUR site. Huh? What's that all about? Payback? You can have the pinata on your birthday Travis. Whatever makes you happy. Can we be friends again? Please. Wait. Are you mad at me? Maybe I am mad at myself and transferring it onto you? You see, Travis, this is how you ruin friendships. Now we HAVE to talk. I am just SICK and TIRED of all this TWO way communication - it's exhausting, it really is. Goodnight.
11:21 PM
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