You know every time I have quit smoking before I never noticed how bad my breath was right after I quit. It is odd this time around I have had no desire to pick up the habit again. I just cannot see the point. In fact looking back at I only smoked to be apart of a group of people that smoked. I STARTED SMOKING TO FIT IN???????? What the 7734 (for those of you who do not know what that number is type it into a calculator and turn it up side down, now tha is youhoime work) What was I thinking. It was fear of being rejected for not being a rebel, a disdent, but really why smoking. It was because sad but true, I used to do anything to please people and fit in. I am not sure I have totally changed my ways, but I am aware of it.
Had the second artistry on last Friday and it rocked Everyone painted and it was good.
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