This is my general diary of thoughts, art, and words.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


You know every time I have quit smoking before I never noticed how bad my breath was right after I quit. It is odd this time around I have had no desire to pick up the habit again. I just cannot see the point. In fact looking back at I only smoked to be apart of a group of people that smoked. I STARTED SMOKING TO FIT IN???????? What the 7734 (for those of you who do not know what that number is type it into a calculator and turn it up side down, now tha is youhoime work) What was I thinking. It was fear of being rejected for not being a rebel, a disdent, but really why smoking. It was because sad but true, I used to do anything to please people and fit in. I am not sure I have totally changed my ways, but I am aware of it.

Had the second artistry on last Friday and it rocked Everyone painted and it was good.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I so HATE and I mean HATE the word stupid. Of all the words in our vernacular this one really caps my hide. I don't care if someone calls me an @$$hole or even a F#(ker, but stupid I come unglued. I would like to think it is knoble and Biblical sermon on the mount thing, but really I just don't like it, because it is not saying my way is better or the way you are thinking is flawed let me help you, it is just, "Your Stupid!" And that is it, there is no dialogue, just one person feeling shit apon and someone else feeling superior. Many who know me know I have a bad habit of correcting people. It usually leaves others feeling the same way so I am working on that, but it just seems to me that if I HATE the word stupid that I cannot treat people like they are stupid because they say something incorrectly. It is to much a double standard. Really why should we call people dumb or stupid no matter what they do. Really it is our perception of how they talk or the decisions they make and it maybe that we are smarter, but what good does that do.....